Dark-eyed Junco
Male: A round bird wth a slate gray to charcoal head, chest and back. White belly and rump. Pink bill and dark eye. Since most outer tail feathers are white, tail appears as a white V in flight.
Female: Tan to brown back and chest with a pinkish bill. White belly and underside of tail.
Diet: Insects, millet, sunflower and peanuts.
Song: Sharp dit and rapid twittering while flying.
Nest: Cup; female and male build; two broods per year.
Eggs: Three to five; white with reddish brown markings.
Incubation: Twelve to thirteen days; female incubates.
Fledging: Ten to thirteen days; male and female feed young.
Notes: Most comfortable on the ground eating. Consumes many weed seeds. Usually seen on ground in small flocks.
Male: A round bird wth a slate gray to charcoal head, chest and back. White belly and rump. Pink bill and dark eye. Since most outer tail feathers are white, tail appears as a white V in flight.
Female: Tan to brown back and chest with a pinkish bill. White belly and underside of tail.
Diet: Insects, millet, sunflower and peanuts.
Song: Sharp dit and rapid twittering while flying.
Nest: Cup; female and male build; two broods per year.
Eggs: Three to five; white with reddish brown markings.
Incubation: Twelve to thirteen days; female incubates.
Fledging: Ten to thirteen days; male and female feed young.
Notes: Most comfortable on the ground eating. Consumes many weed seeds. Usually seen on ground in small flocks.