Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Male: A plump black and white bird with a large pinkish white to white bill. Rose red triangle on chest.
Female: Plump brown bird with streaked chest. pinkish white to white bill.
Diet: Insects, sunflower seeds, millet and mixed seeds.
Song: A rich, robin like breathless whistle.
Nest: Cup; female and male build; one to two broods per year.
Eggs: Three to five; blue green with brown markings.
Incubation: Thirteen to fourteen days; female and male incubate.
Fledging: Nine to twelve days; female and male feed young.
Notes: Huge white wing patch flashes when in flight, making identification a bit easier. Males arrive first each spring.
Male: A plump black and white bird with a large pinkish white to white bill. Rose red triangle on chest.
Female: Plump brown bird with streaked chest. pinkish white to white bill.
Diet: Insects, sunflower seeds, millet and mixed seeds.
Song: A rich, robin like breathless whistle.
Nest: Cup; female and male build; one to two broods per year.
Eggs: Three to five; blue green with brown markings.
Incubation: Thirteen to fourteen days; female and male incubate.
Fledging: Nine to twelve days; female and male feed young.
Notes: Huge white wing patch flashes when in flight, making identification a bit easier. Males arrive first each spring.