Eastern Bluebird
Male: Rusty red breast and white belly. Sky blue head, back and tail.
Female: Rusty red breast and white belly. Less vibrant blue on back, head and tail.
Diet: Mealworms, worms, insects, peanuts and fruit. May be trained to eat from your hand with practice.
Song: Musical, rising chur-lee, extended in song to chur chur-lee chur-lee.
Nest: Cavity, old woodpecker cavity or man-made nesting box; female builds; two broods per year.
Eggs: Four to five; pale blue, unmarked
Incubation: Twelve to fourteen days; female incubates.
Fledging: Fifteen to eighteen days; female and male feed young.
Notes: A permanent resident in Indiana, Ohio, southern Illinois and southern Michigan. Young of first brood will help raise young of second brood.
Male: Rusty red breast and white belly. Sky blue head, back and tail.
Female: Rusty red breast and white belly. Less vibrant blue on back, head and tail.
Diet: Mealworms, worms, insects, peanuts and fruit. May be trained to eat from your hand with practice.
Song: Musical, rising chur-lee, extended in song to chur chur-lee chur-lee.
Nest: Cavity, old woodpecker cavity or man-made nesting box; female builds; two broods per year.
Eggs: Four to five; pale blue, unmarked
Incubation: Twelve to fourteen days; female incubates.
Fledging: Fifteen to eighteen days; female and male feed young.
Notes: A permanent resident in Indiana, Ohio, southern Illinois and southern Michigan. Young of first brood will help raise young of second brood.