Red-winged Blackbird
Male: A jet-black bird with red and yellow shoulder patch on upper wing. Pointed black beak.
Female: Heavily streaked brown bird with off-white eyebrow and a pointed brown bill.
Diet: Corn, insects, millet, wild seeds, sunflower and mixed seeds
Song: Liquid, gurgling konk-la-ree, ending in a trill.
Nest: Cup; female builds; two to three broods per year..
Eggs: Three to four; bluish green with brown markings.
Incubation: Ten to twelve days; female incubates.
Fledging: Eleven to fourteen days; female and male feed young.
Notes: It's a sure sign of spring when the Red-winged blackbirds return to the marshes! Flocks of up to one hundred thousand birds have been reported.
Males return before females to defend territories. The Red-winged black birds' call is a chack note. Nests are usually over shallow water.
Male: A jet-black bird with red and yellow shoulder patch on upper wing. Pointed black beak.
Female: Heavily streaked brown bird with off-white eyebrow and a pointed brown bill.
Diet: Corn, insects, millet, wild seeds, sunflower and mixed seeds
Song: Liquid, gurgling konk-la-ree, ending in a trill.
Nest: Cup; female builds; two to three broods per year..
Eggs: Three to four; bluish green with brown markings.
Incubation: Ten to twelve days; female incubates.
Fledging: Eleven to fourteen days; female and male feed young.
Notes: It's a sure sign of spring when the Red-winged blackbirds return to the marshes! Flocks of up to one hundred thousand birds have been reported.
Males return before females to defend territories. The Red-winged black birds' call is a chack note. Nests are usually over shallow water.