House Wren
Male: A small all brown bird with light brown markings on tail and wings. Brown, slightly curved bill. Often holds tail erect.
Female: Same as male.
Diet: Insects. Can be trained to be hand-fed.
Song: Exuberant song, a cascade of bubbling whistled notes.
Nest: Cavity; female and male line just about any cavity; two broods per year. May come to nesting boxes.
Eggs: Four to six; tan with brown markings.
Incubation: Ten to thirteen days; female and male incubate.
Fledging: Twelve to fifteen days; female and male feed young.
Notes: Sings from dawn to dusk during mating season. Easily attracted to nesting boxes.
Male: A small all brown bird with light brown markings on tail and wings. Brown, slightly curved bill. Often holds tail erect.
Female: Same as male.
Diet: Insects. Can be trained to be hand-fed.
Song: Exuberant song, a cascade of bubbling whistled notes.
Nest: Cavity; female and male line just about any cavity; two broods per year. May come to nesting boxes.
Eggs: Four to six; tan with brown markings.
Incubation: Ten to thirteen days; female and male incubate.
Fledging: Twelve to fifteen days; female and male feed young.
Notes: Sings from dawn to dusk during mating season. Easily attracted to nesting boxes.